These photographs were taken between 1967 and 1974. They are primarily, intimate images of my San Francisco Digger extended family as we moved through our daily lives. I never meant to produce a body of work on the Diggers. I was simply photographing my friends and comrades, our children and the pursuits and places that punctuated our days. I never intended any social, cultural or political inference or content. Some things, however, are hard to hide.
There are a few excellent websites that credibly describe the historic genesis, credo and evolution of the SF Diggers as well as the catalytic and transformative events we enacted. I have appended those links and encourage their use: , , .
The use of these photographs are now offered as a free resource to the Community to honor the spirit in which they were created. Photographer attribution is requested.
Chuck Gould 2023
Vicky Pollack at City Hall c.1968Peter Berg at City Hall c.1968Diggers at City Hall steps SF c. 1968Peter Berg /Guerrilla Theater SF c. 1968Peter Berg SF c. 1968Peter Berg/ Hands on Bioregionalism c. 1969Destiny Kinal Gould clamming c. 1969Peter Berg digging clams c. 1969Tracy Doyle and her children Marin c. 1969Linn (Freeman) House Marshall CA c. 1969Vinnie Rinaldi Red House Forest Knolls, CA c. 1968Don McCoy at Olompali c. 1969Bob Santiago and Linnj House Marin c. 1969Kira Thelin at Red House home c. 1968Michael Angello @ Olompali commune Marin county,CA c.1969David Simpson SF c. 1968Dance class @ Straight Theater SF c. 1967David Simpson SF. c. 1968Digger dance class @ Haight Ashbury’s Straight Theater SF c. 1967Diggers Jane Lapiner and Judy “True” Goldhaft @ dance class SF c. 1967Dance class Straight Theater SF c. 1967“Sweet William” Bill Fritsch @ SF City Hall c. 1968Diggers liberate nuns- SF city hall c.1968Peter Berg reads poetry SF City Hall C. 1968Diggers Vicky, Linn, Arthur, Paula and Hilda march on SF City Hall c. 1968Ron Thelin Liberating City Hall SF c. 1968Lawyer Melvin Belli and Digger Arthur Lisch SF city hall steps SF c. 1968Linn House on SF city Hall steps/poetry reading SF c. 1968Unknown child/target practice Olema,CA c. 1969Peter Coyote Olema CA c. 1968Peter, Judy, Babies Ocean and Solange Colorado c. 1970FCP puppets SF c. 1968Bill Lyndon /Punch and Judy show SF c. 1968Peter Coyote @ JP Pickens “junk yard” Lagunitas,CA c. 1968JP Pickens /banjo musician and junk collector extraordinaire at home Lagunitas CA c. 1968Bill and Anne Lyndon performing Punch and Judy show SF c. 1969Peter and Eileeen”Sam” help build Digger bread oven Olompali c. 1969Digger Paula Sakowsky SF City Hall c.1968Peter and JP Lagunitas CA c. 1968Jane Lapiner and daughter Sierra Simpson Humboldt County,CA c. 1971Bill “Tumbleweed” Fritsch reads poetry City Hall SF .c.1968Petyer and Judy Berg in the Albigensian Ambulance Service
Colorado c. 1970Ocean “Rush” Berg C. 1970Master puppetier Bill Lyndom with Destiny and Joshua Gould Colorado c. 1971FCP puppets SF. c. 1968Omar Eden and Sierra Simpson Humboldt County c. 1971Ron “Digger” working on truck SF c. 1969Destiny Kinal Gould @ Digger apartment SF c. 1970Digger David Simpson /Community Outreach SF c. 1968Puppet mistress Anne Lyndon teaching class SF c. 1969Digger night table SF c. 1970Destiny and Solange Gould SF c.1971Julie Boone and Vicky Pollack @ dance class SF c. 1967Digger dance class Straight Theater SF c. 1967David Simpson SF c. 1968Jane Lapiner’s “Digger” dance class Straight Theater SF c..1967David Simpson and neighborhood kids SF. c.1968“Liberating City Hall”/poetry reading by Peter Berg and “Sweet William” Fritsch SF c. 1968“Natural” Suzanne at Treat Street house SF c. 1970Malcolm Terrence in front of Digger “A-1 truck stop” Briceland, CA c. 1969FCP show SF c. 1968Photographer Chuck Gould City Hall SF c. 1968Jane Lapiner and Judy Goldhaft Dance Class SF c. 1967FCP show charactors @ Panhandle Golden Gate Park SF c. 1968“Ama” @ Willard Street Digger house SF c.1968“Ama” in front of his mural @ Willard St house SF c. 1968“Beat” poet Gregory Corso and Belle Carpenter North Beach SF c. 1967FCP show in Washington Square Park SF. c.1970FCP show charactors SF.c.1968Unknown Hells Angel SF c. 1968FCP childrens show SF c. 1969Vinny Rinaldi SF c. 1968Hells Angel wall art SF c. 1968Vinny Rinaldi SF c. 1969Free City Puppets special Kids show SF c. 1969FCP children’s show SF c. 1969Vinny with photo of Linn House SF c. 1968Panoramic view; photo collage collage A Digger free store SF c. 1967 c.1967Rose at Forest Knolls c.1968Nina Blasenheim Conundrum Creek CO c. 1971FCP and LaMorticella puppet show SF c. 1968Jasper Thelin Forest Knolls, CA c. 1969Daniel House Mexico c. 1969Marsha Thelin @ Red House C. 1968FCP show with Roberto LaMorticella figures SF c. 1968Shannon Doyle Forest Knolls C.1969“Wavey Gravey” NYC c. 1966Chuck,Destiny and Solange Gould Colorado c. 1970Vinny Rinaldi SF c.1967Hugh Romney aka “Wavey Gravey” NYC c. 1966Rosie @ Red House Forest Knolls, CA c. 1968Nina Blasemhein and Joshua Tree Colorado c.1972Daniel House Mexico C. 1969“Motorcycle” Julie Boone SF c. 1967Phylis Wilner SF c. 1967Digger and photographer Chuck Gould Marin County, CA c. 1967Kent Minault’s truck aka “the Big Fucker” Colorado c. 1972Sam Shepard and Phyliss Wilner “Trick or Treating” SF c.1968Beat Poet Gregory Corso SF c. 1967Poet Gregory Corso, Vinnie Rinaldi on steps of poet Diane DiPrima’s Oak Street, SF house c. 1967Digger fisherman Linn House SF c. 1968Bare Minimum, fishing boat and Joshua Tree Salmon Creek,CA c.1969Digger free fishing boat aka The Bare Minimum
towed by David Simpsons house truck
Salmon Creek, CA 1969FCP show SF c. 1968FCP show with large puppets by Roberto LaMorticella
SF c. 1968FCP show SF c.1968FCP show City Hall, SF c. 1968FCP show SF. c.1968Kent Minault Colorado c. 1971Poet Kirby Doyle SF c. 1967FCP show City Hall SF c. 1968Chuck Gould Colorado c. 1971Poet Kirby Doyle and Osha SF c. 1967Linn Freeman House @ General Mills offices SF. c.1968Billy “Batman” Yarmake and Kirby Doyle SF c. 1967Free City Puppet show Colorado c. 1971Sam Shepard, playwrite(pre-film acting) and Phyllis Willner
China Town dinner C.1968Linn House @ Willard Street Digger house SF c. 1968David Simpson @ Willard Street Free City News SF c. 1968Freeman House @ Willard Street Digger house creating a Free City News page SF c. 1968Peter Berg creating a Free City News page SF c. 1968Bill Lyndon FCP co-creator Colorado c. 1970Hells Angel SF c. 1967Digger artist Brydon Bullington SF c. 1967Ron Thelin and Linn “Freeman” House Marshall CA c. 1968Chuck Gould’s Truck CO. c. 1970Free City Puppets show GGP SF c. 1968Digger/FCP puppet show GGP SF c. 1968Linn House SF c. 1968Digger Family and trucks Colorado c. 1972Digger trucks Colorado c. 1972David Simpson and Sierra plus Digger house truck Colorado C. 1972Kira Thelin Marshall CA. c. 1969Free City Puppets GGP Panhandle show SF c. 1968Jane Lapiner @ Conundrum Creek, CO c. 1972David Simpson and Honey CO c. 1972David, Jane, Omar and Sierra Colorado c. 1972Judy and Peter Berg SF c. 1969Judy tie dying SF C. 1968Judy “True” Goldhaft Tie dying SF c. 1968“Freewheeling” Frank Reynolds Hells Angel SF c. 1967Peter Berg SF c. 1968Bill and Janine at Cafe Trieste SF c. 1967Janine Pomney-Vagas Poet SF C. 1967Anne Lyndon @ FCP childrens workshop SF c. 1969Vinnie Rinaldi SF c. 1968Vinnie SF c. 1968FCP children’s workshop SF c. 1969Vinnie with photo of Linn SF c. 1968FCP workshop SF c. 1969FCP workshop SF c. 1969David Simpson @ Willard Street house creating “Free News” C.1968Lydia and Jasper Forest Knolls, CA c.1970Jasper Thelin Forest Knolls CA c. 1970Marsha and Jasper Thelin Forest Knolls CA c.19670Caledonia Yarmake(“Batman’s” daughter) Forest Knolls CA c.1969Gabby, Kira and Hasan Forest Knolls CA c.1969David Simpson and Jane Lapiner c.1969Jasper at the Red House Forest Knolls Ca c.1970Chuck Gould C.1967Jane Lapiner/Digger kitchen c. 1967Digger Children/Salmon Creek,CA c. 1969Chuck Gould/SF c. 1967Destiny Gould SF c. 1969Daniel House/Salmon Creek c. 1970Gabrielle Cohen/Salmon Creek c. 1970Gilian Handelman/Salmon Creek c. 1969Juddy Quick and Ali Sunshine c. 1969Diggers at Red House/Forest Knolls CA c.1970John Bronsen SF c. 1969Kent’s truck/The “Big Fucker” Colorado c.1972Nina, Kent and Angeline Colorado c.1972Richie Havens at Grateful Dead Concert Fort Lauderdale, FL C. 1967Nina Blasenheim and Angel/Conundrum Creek CO C.1972Martim McClean SF c. 1970Richie Havens at Grateful Dead Concert Fort Lauderdale,Fl
C. 1967Free City Puppets SF c. 1968Free City Puppet show SF c.1968Bill Lyndon FCP show SF c. 1968FCP/kids show participant SF c. 1968Bill and Anne Lyndon FCP creators SF c. 1968Children participants/Free City Puppet Show SF C.1968FCP children’s show SF c. 1968FCP/ childrens street show SF c. 1968FCP/kids show participant SF c. 1968FCP street show SF c. 1968Omar Simpson SF c. 1969Diggers in Marin on Red House steps c.1971Vinny, Joanna and Solange Conundrum Creek CO c. 1972Nicky Bronson Colorado c. 1972Digger free food distribution SF C. 1967Destiny and Solange at FCP workshop SF C. 1971FCP/childrens street show SF c. 1968FCP/Anne Lyndon directing kids show SF c. 1968Jagger/Colorado c. 1972Digger food distribution SF c. 1968Destiny, Solange and Joshua Tree Woodacre CA. c. 1970Digger photo Colorado c. 1970Digger kids Angeline and Solange Colorado c. 1972Chuck Gould’s Free truck, c. 1970Marsha and Eileen with infants Red House c. 1969Jane Lapiner and Paula Sakowsky SF c. 1968Pete Knell Hells Angels MC shop SF C. 1968“Freewheeling” Frank Reynolds (after Hells Angles)C.1969Destiny, Gilly, Joshua and Solange’s One Day Birthday Woodacre CA C. 1970Feeding babies Red House CA c. 1969Chuck Gould C. 1967Omar Simpson c. 1972Marsha Thelin Red House c. 1969Pete Knell Angel bike shop SF c. 1968Bill Fritsch digger SF c. 1968Inside of Hells Angels bike shop SF c.1968Digger family members Colorado c.1972Hilda Hoffman/tie dye exhibit C. 1968Pete Knell SF c.1968Ann Lyndon childrens puppet workshop SF c.1969FCP workshop SF c.1969Free City Puppet workshop SF c.1969Destiny and Solange “Nonnie” Gould Ward, COO c, 1973Sasha, Belle’s daughter SF c. 1967FCP Colorado c. 1971Destiny and Anne Colorado c. 1971Destiny Gould/Red House c.1969“Linn” Freeman House and Ron Thelin C.1968Jasper Thelin/Red House c.1969Malcom Terrance SF c. 1967Marsha and Jasper/Red House c 1969Linn and Ron SF c. 1967Linn House in Digger work shop C.1968Chuck Gould SF C.1966Phyllis Willner China Town SF C. 1968Phyllis Willner /Trick orTreating Haight Ashbury C. 1968Holy Modal Rounders Band rehearsal/Sam Shepard drummer
SF C. 1968Sam Shepard drummer rehearsal C.1968Phyliss Wilner and Sam Shepard SF c. 1968David Simpson Red House/Forest Knolls c.1969Linn House and Ron Thelin Haight Street C.1967Kent Minault Red House/Forest Knolls c. 1969Hells Angel and “old Lady” at SF Court house C.1969SF chapter Hells Angel SF c. 1967Joanie “Batman” and kids SF c.1967Chuck Gould SF c.1967Ron Thelin cutting wood/Marshall CA C. 1969Bill and Ann Lyndon, Destiny Gould and Solange Colorado C.1970Chuck,Destiny,Gilly and Solange Colorado c.1970The Bare Minimum/ Digger fishing boat/SF c.1968Digger house Conundrum Creek, CO Kent’s truck and Joshua the Dog C. 1971Pot Bust SF C. 1967Free City Puppets/Bill Lyndon and Punch Colorado c.1971Linn House SF on digger fishing boat/The Bare Minimum c.1968“Digger” Batman SF c. 1968Ann Lyndon Colorado c.1972Ron Thelin/Bare Minimun SF c.1968Ron Thelin @ Fishing boat SF c.1968Kent and Ron @ digger fishing boat SF c.1968Marty McClain SF c.1968Nina Blasenhein SF c.1968Linn House Salmon Creek,CA c.1968Jane Lapiner and Paula Sakowsky SF c.1967JP Pickens SF c.1967California Doyle Forest Knolls,CA c.1969Linn House and Daniel La Paz,Mexico C. 1969Caledonia/Batman’s daughter SF c.1968Kent and Angeline Minault Colorado c.1971Linn House Salmon Creek, Humboldt County c.1969David Simpson Red House/Forest Knolls c.1969Turkey Ridge house PA c. 1972Peter Coyote @ Wall Street NYC c. 1973Pete Knell SF c. 1968Digger, Billy Fritsch SF c. 1968Ama/Willard StreetKent Minault SF c.1968Kirby Doyle and Billy “Batman” Yarmake c. 1967The “Bare Minimum” Digger fishing boat and Simpson truck/ Salmon Creek CA c. 1970Peter Coyote Olema c. 1968Sienna Ruffia, AKA “Natural Suzanne” c. 1970Sienna Ruffia AKA “Natural Suzanne” SFJasper ThelinCaledonia Batman c.1969Chuck and Joshua Tree Olema,CA c.1969Free City PuppetsJoanie “Batman” and her kidsKira Thelin Red House Forest Knolls, CA c.1968Hilda Hoffman SF c. 1969Peter Berg/liberation poetry reading SF City Hall“Little Paula” Sakowsky at City Hall StepsFree City Puppets/SFFree City Puppets/ SF 1969Melvin Belli and Arthur Lisch/SF City Hall StepsPeter Berg “Life Acting” SF c.1968Marsha Thelin Forest knolls, CA c. 1970Solange “Nonnie” Gould SF c. 1970“Digger” prays to Auto GodsDestiny Gould SF .c1971Destiny and Gilly Forest Knolls, CA c.1969Kent Minault C. 1968Aaron Rosenberg SF c.1967Chuck Gould c. 1967Judy QuickFreeman “Linn” House Marshall, CA c. 1968Ronald Bennett aka “Digger”, the Digger auto-mechanic SF c. 1969Food run/Produce market South SF c. 1967Judy “True” Goldhaft c.1968Ron Thelin with Digger Free Fishing boat SF c. 1968Jean-Paul Pickens SF c. 1969Free Store hang-out SF c. 1967Digger Free Store/wall graffiti SF c. 1967Digger Free Store SF c.1967Daniel, Bob Santiago and Linn House Salmon Creek CA c. 1969“Natural” Suzanne c. 1968Dance classJane Lapiner Whitethorn, CA c. 1969Gilly Handleman c. 1969“Free Wheeling” Frank Reynolds Whitethorn CA c. 1970Daniel House Salmon Creek, CA 1969Judy tie dying SF C. 1968Vinny Rinaldi and Paula Sakowsky at dance class/Straight TheaterGabby, Kira c. 1969Nicky Bronson CO c. 1971Vinny with photo of Freeman c. 1969Gregory Corso, Belle and Freeman House/North Beach/SF c. 1967Vinny, Nicky and Joanna CO c. 1971PeterBerg filming NOWS REAL SF c. 1968Diggers at SF City Hall liberation c. 1968Kirby and Batman SF c. 1967Turkey Ridge Farm PA c. 1974Diggers arrive to liberate City Hall/Vicki Pollack, Freeman House,Paula Sakowsky,Arthur Lisch and Hilda Hoffman c. 1968Zoe Leider Briceland.Ca c. 1969Gregory Corso SF c. 1967Roberta “Bobbi” Swafford CA c. 1968 cPaula McCoy/Ashbury Street house c. 1967Vinny Rinaldi Colorado c.1970Paula Sawkosky SF c. 1968Bill LyndonFritsch city hallJaggerPuppet showVinny and RonRon and Linn“Nows Real” Hilda Hoffman c. 1968Digger Free Family at Forest Knolls’s Red HouseKirby DoyleChuck Gould and Spook JamesPeter Berg filming NOWS REALSweet William and Janine Pomney-Vega…Angels and PoetsPeter Berg Stanley Mouse Digger posterVinny Rinaldi making a speechOcean “Rush” BergBill, Anne and Michael LindynCiranjivaDiggers arrive to liberate City Hall/Vicki Pollack, Freeman House,Paula Sakowsky,Arthur Lisch and Hilda HoffmanBill Lynden/Free City PuppetsKids trust Vinny!!Michael Lindyn“Samurai” Bob Callow at Turkey RidgeMalcolm Terrance at the A-1, free truck stopRock Concert/Muir BeachAnne Lindyn at free kids puppet work-shopJudy Quick and AliPhyliss Wilner and Sam ShepardJudy Quik and Ron ThelinSolange GouldAnn Bill and DestinyAnne Lynden/Free City Puppet workshopMarty McClineDigger social magic liberates SF City HallPaul “Owl” PickensSF City Hall StepsPete Knell’s garageBob SantiagoWater tank hippie communePete Knell/Club garageDigger produce market runAriel “Low Owl” Coyote Turkey RidgeDestiny and Solange’s first mealSolange and Joshua Conundrum creek